I'm falling in love with in-home lifestyle sessions. I was so excited to head to New Jersey for this one welcoming the 2nd baby girl. It's an indescribable feeling to be part of documenting such special times in people's lives... their wedding day and now their beautiful growing family. I'm so honored to be there for such occasions.
York PA family photography at Historic Shady Lane
It's an honor to photograph ANYONE. It feels extra special to photograph a fellow photographer's family. I'm proud of Melissa for getting on the other side of the lens (which we all know is not easy). We had such beautiful light at Historic Shady Lane for their family session.
York Pennsylvania Photographer >> My Sis & her babes….
I don't often get to see my family (they live about 800 miles away) <insert sad music here> but I recently got to capture my sister and her precious babes! This makes me one happy "Sissy" Love Always ~ Your Aunt Sissy
Some people say we look exactly alike.. I don't see it.. what do you think?
Jerica has the BEST HAIR! >>>>>>>>>>>>
This winter in Pennsylvania has been the coldest since I moved here… and we all know how grey it can be around here! Last Saturday it warmed up to about 58 degrees. Now, I grew up in Georgia, so 58 meant you are still decked out in NorthFace gear and run to your car as fast as you can! But around these parts… you put on shorts! Wash your cars! Take your motorcycles out for the first ride of the season! So, my pal Steph and I went exploring in desperate need of Vitamin D and inspiration.. this is a glimpse into our afternoon….
…. and what a gorgeous subject she is!…….
MAGIC in the SNOW….
We've been planning the perfect session for a long time now.. the day we decided to shoot could NOT HAVE BEEN MORE PERFECT. We needed snow and it wasn't calling for much, in fact it had already come through our area according to the forecast. Just as we started shooting Heaven poured out the most perfect snow I have ever seen, I could not be more happy with how our session went, here's a glimpse into a perfect morning with this awesome couple!
Tiny Little Traveler….
When my good pal said she was doing a world traveler themed nursery I knew it would be amazing! She has so many things featured from their travels.. I'm LOVING this nursery! To top off the sweetness I returned from Georgia to meet sweet Fallon Rose, I am beyond thrilled for this family and excited to watch them grow :)
BEAUTY… Inside and Out….
My beautiful friend Jess is expecting her first born child soon. It's such an awesome feeling to capture someones love on their wedding day and then years later see them grow into a family. I'm so excited to meet this babe that will surely win the title of "coolest dressed kid in town!"
I'm so happy for you Jess! Much Love ~Trin
I had the perfect morning with my pal Jess, it made me so happy to capture such a radiant expecting mother… Here's a quick glimpse into what I saw this morning…..
'TIS THE SEASON OF LOVE >>>> and we're sharing the love at SummerHouse Photography!!! We're giving away a FREE ENGAGEMENT SESSION to one lucky couple and $50 off engagement session to EVERYBODY ELSE!!!!
It's so easy, here's all you have to do >>>>
1) Click "LIKE" on our > Facebook Fan Page <
2) Update your Facebook status with: " SummerHouse Photography is sharing the love at www.summerhousephoto.com and I'm going to be a winner! "
3) Email me at summerhphoto@gmail.com or through this site and tell me you did the 2 steps above. *If you want to go the extra mile…. tell me your love story, why you want me to do your engagement session, or any cool ideas you may have for an awesome shoot.. feel free to attach a picture of you two love birds.
DETAILS: *Submit your entry by February 28, 2014.
Winner will be chosen on March 1st. Contestants must be engaged and not already in contract with another wedding photographer. Package is a $300 value and may not be exchanged. Session will be in/around York, Pennsylvania.
* I'm so excited to share this opportunity! :) I will be working in Atlanta most of this month and will respond entries as soon as possible. ~Trinity
I had such a great morning with these babes!…. These are some of the first people I met when I moved to Pennsylvania. It's been so cool watching their lives…. their wedding (literally… I was a bridesmaid!).. and to watch their precious family grow. Meet their newest addition: Scarlett Glory, how awesome is that name?!
Its always great to see friends! …. it's even greater to see strangers who became friends, I photographed life events for, their wedding, and its a pleasure to capture their growing family. These are some of my favorites from our cold Pennsylvania session… Now If I can get them to send us some warmth from back in Georgia, we'll all be better! :) Wanamakers ~ Can't wait to see you the next time you're up, Miss Y'ALL!
Mini session in the snow…..
Good things come to those who trample out in the snow! hahaha… I'm so happy we had snow on the ground for this mini session…
…. Lauren is SO beautiful!
Meet precious Nicholas…
Such as sweet sleeping boy at 7 days old :)
I'm in the midsts of editing and can't handle this cuteness!…I had to share a teaser before the teaser! haha I can't wait to blog more of my session with sweet Nicholas.. coming soon.
These holiday photos make me happy…
A few favorites from a recent session….
Love these bare trees….
The bare trees can also make for beautiful pictures! Here's some favorites from a recent session. These kids did so great braving the chilly morning! :)
Miss Mylee….
After the Christmas session with her precious little sister I convinced Miss Mylee to go out and brave the cold for a few shots. She was perfect… here's a glimpse into what we got...
Christmas at the Muccinos...

fall goodness…
With my own wedding the week/end of peak fall colors I didn't get many family sessions in this year. So thankful to capture this goodness! This is one happy baby!! :)
Afternoon with the Miller family...
I had a beautiful afternoon with the Miller family :) This lil' babe is so cute!!! .... and how awesome is that car!?